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Social Media
🔎 In den News über den Link in der Bio lest ihr mehr dazu.
🇬🇧 ISM has been expanding its campus in Cologne for ten years: Several hundred alumni have successfully completed their full-time or part-time studies here. Many of them have quickly moved up the career ladder. The international flair on campus and the encouragement from the first day of study to become entrepreneurs themselves has also inspired students to develop interesting business models. Which ones stood out? What impact does the private business school with the ISM Campus in Cologne have beyond this location?
🔎 Find out more about this in the news via the link in the bio. 101 Likes
🔖 Hier steht mehr dazu:
🇬🇧 For ten years, ISM has not only had a campus in Cologne, but is also firmly rooted there. In the meantime, it has produced hundreds of specialists in the cathedral city, many of whom have remained in the region. Quite a few of them have risen professionally in a short space of time.
The international flair on campus and the encouragement from the very first day of study to become entrepreneurs - this has inspired students and alumni to develop interesting business models over the years.
Which ones have stood out? What impact does the private business school with the ISM Campus in Cologne have beyond this location?
🔖 Find out more in the ISM News:
Neben Tipps zu Bewerbungen und Karrierechancen brachten Webinare und Diskussionspanels neue Kontakte, frische Ideen und praktische Hinweise für den Berufseinstieg. 💼
Neugierig? Hier geht’s zum ganzen Artikel:
🇺🇸 Career Begins Now: Nearly 190 students joined the virtual Career Day to connect with leading companies and gain valuable insights. Keynote speaker Annika Bahl, now Director at Wilo SE, stressed: "Your career doesn’t start when you leave university, it starts here and now."
Webinars and panels on applications, career paths, and more left students with new contacts, fresh ideas, and practical advice for starting their careers. 💼
Curious? Read the full article here: 1 Likes
Um diese und weitere Fragen zu beantworten, bietet die ISM regelmäßig Elternabende an. Unsere Studienberater stehen für Sie zur Verfügung.
Am 19. November um 18 Uhr findet der nächste Elternabend online für Sie statt. Anmelden können Sie sich unter dem folgenden Link:
🇺🇸: Your child has passed the Abitur! Congratulations! But what happens now? How can you as parents support your child properly? Is studying management the right choice for your child?
ISM offers regular parents' evenings to answer these and other questions. Our study advisors are available for you.
The next parents' evening will take place online for you on November 19 at 6 pm. You can register at the following link: 5 Likes
An unseren Campi in Hamburg, Köln, Stuttgart, Dortmund, Frankfurt (Main), München und Berlin berichten Studierende und unsere Studienberatung vom Alltag an der ISM. Welche Fächer gibt es? Wie funktionieren unsere Studienmodelle? Alle wichtigen Informationen werden abgedeckt und keine Frage bleibt unbeantwortet.
Am 30. November finden die Studieninformationstage in Hamburg, Stuttgart und Köln statt. Am 7. Dezember geht es dann weiter in Dortmund, Frankfurt (Main), München und Berlin. Die Veranstaltungen beginnen um 10 Uhr und sind selbstverständlich kostenlos.
Anmeldungen sind über den Link in unserer Bio möglich!
🇺🇸: Are you interested in studying at ISM, but still have questions about the course of studies, campus life and the different degree programs? Then our study information days are just the thing for you!
At our campuses in Hamburg, Cologne, Stuttgart, Dortmund, Frankfurt (Main), Munich and Berlin, students and our student advisory service will talk about everyday life at ISM. What subjects are there? How do our study models work? All important information will be covered and no question will remain unanswered.
On November 30, the study information days will take place in Hamburg, Stuttgart and Cologne. On December 7, the events will continue in Dortmund, Frankfurt (Main), Munich and Berlin. The events start at 10 a.m. and are of course free of charge.
Registration is possible via the link in our bio! The event will be held in German. 18 Likes
#studyism #international
🇺🇸 Shopping on the Rambla, enjoying culture in the museums or going out partying in the evening - #Barcelona has a lot to do for students worldwide. Now ISM students can also study there and experience the vibes of the Catalan metropolis during their semester abroad. We are very excited about our new partnership with the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona. Find out more in the ISM News via LINK in Bio
#studyism #international 80 Likes
Am 14. November von 10 bis 15 Uhr hast du die Gelegenheit, Unternehmen aller Art – von namhaften Konzernen über Hidden Champions bis hin zu spannenden Start-ups – direkt über Zoom kennenzulernen. Nutze die Chance, um dein Karrierenetzwerk zu erweitern und vielleicht schon deinen nächsten Praktikumsplatz, eine Werkstudierendenstelle oder sogar deinen Berufseinstieg zu finden!
ISM-Alumna Annika Bahl, heute Director of Government & Public Affairs bei WILO SE, wird als Keynote Speakerin über ihren Weg im Beruf sprechen. Sie teilt ihre persönlichen Erfahrungen und gibt wertvolle Tipps, wie Networking – eine Fähigkeit, die sie schon an der ISM geschätzt hat – ihre Karriere bereichert hat.
🇺🇸 Your stepping stone for internships and career entry!
On November 14th from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., ISM students will have the opportunity to get to know companies of all kinds - from well-known corporations and hidden champions to exciting start-ups - directly via Zoom. Take the opportunity to expand your career network and perhaps find your next internship, working student position or even your career start!
ISM alumna Annika Bahl, now Director of Government & Public Affairs at WILO SE, will be the keynote speaker talking about her career path. She will share her personal experiences and give valuable tips on how networking - a skill she already valued at ISM - has enriched her career. 17 Likes
Das ist eure letzte Chance euch für das Retail Summit 2024 am Hamburger Campus der ISM anzumelden! An Dienstag dem 12. November ab 14 Uhr diskutieren hochkarätige Speaker aus der Retail-Welt die aktuellen Herausforderungen im Handel aus der Sicht der Hersteller, Händler, Werbe- und Mediaagenturen! Im Anschluss gibt es Fragerunden und die Möglichkeit zum Networken bei Fingerfood und Drinks!
Die Veranstaltung ist kostenfrei - ihr müsst euch lediglich anmelden! Wo? Entweder im Newsbereich unter dem Link in der Bio oder unter dem Link in unserer Story!
🇺🇸: Attention - Last Call!
This is your last chance to register for the Retail Summit 2024 at ISM's Hamburg campus! On Tuesday, November 12 from 2 pm, top-class speakers from the retail world will discuss the current challenges in retail from the perspective of manufacturers, retailers, advertising and media agencies! Afterwards, there will be Q&A sessions and the opportunity to network over finger food and drinks!
The event is free of charge - all you have to do is register! Where? Either in the news section under the link in the bio or under the link in our story! 17 Likes
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